Thursday, October 31, 2013

Yesterday was fun!   Carol and I hopped on one of those double-decker buses and went all around Florence.   We stopped and got off at several spots and enjoyed the ride very much.   We had a nice lunch at one of the big Piazzas of one of the biggest churches, Santa Croce (Holy Cross) where a lot of important people are buried, including Galileo, Machiavelli, and many others.   As churches often are, it is huge and very impressive in its architecture.
Today was also exploring day.   I went to the train station to buy tickets for my leaving for Rome/Frascati, and for meeting my friend Paco who comes into Rome on Saturday.   We ended up at the central market, which is incredible, housed in an even more incredible building.   It is not your typical Safeway/Albertson's/Kroeger's, whatever... what a trip!   We sat down in the market to eat and we ate the BEST suckling pig ever....   the pig sat right there in front of us as they sliced it and made it into a fabulous sandwich.  Later, we did a little shopping.   I bought the cutest had and scarf, Carol bought ITALIA jackets for her grandchildren.   We came back to the hotel because tonight is our "farewell" dinner and we're going for wild boar....  I understand it's better than the best pork you ever ate.   I'll be happy to be a gastronomical reporter for this one.   Right now, gotta go back to the room to change my shoes for going out and grab a coat.  It's kind of chilly out there.   The weather has been phenomenal and it has only rained one day since I have been here, and it's now two weeks.   HAPPY HALLOWEEN everybody!   You would not believe it but Halloween has invaded Florece!   Ayayay.
Write more tomorrow or Saturday.....  
This are my 5 C's.
Can't forget:
computer (tablet)
coin purse (where I keep my money and credit cards`0
cane (surfaces are SOOOOOO uneven)
converter.....See how clever I am?  
Anyway, keep on logging in!

Tuesday, October 29, 2013

Buon giorno, tutti amicci....
Today is a DOWN day....   walked the whole country yesterday visiting four magic places:
Monteriggioni is a town of 50 inhabitants, but it does contain a 13th century walled city that is in really good condition.   The climb uphill was a killer.... and all those steps....  Short stop, just for the walled city and then down... I asked my very nice Russian seatmate:  What did you think?   And he answers, in typical, young, male matter:   Too many stones.... :)
Then we were off to Siena.... really beautiful, the cathedral is beyond description, and lots of inclines up and down as well.   Had a very nice lunch with gelato.... that gelato is becoming an addiction.  I'm glad they don't make it in wine flavors!!!!!!  
After lunch, off we go to San Gimighano, another fortress and another climb... I passed on this one:  too many stones   :)
Then, off to Chianti..... guess what for?????    wine tasting, of course.  We ended up in a gorgeous ranch house where a family makes wine and other products, like:  white truffle oil (I would have KILLED to buy a 3 oz bottle, for almost $50, but can't buy anything..... We tasted three wines, an absolutely fabulous olive oil with bread, the white truffle oil on another piece of bread, a pomodoro sauce that would make us all swoon... and garlic that doesn't smell like garlic, and will not give you bad breath (as if!), and a balsamic that would flavor our salads incredibly.   In Modena, where they make balsamic, we went to a tasting and the 25-year old balsamic (from that company) was E450, or about $600 DOLLARS, and I believe teachers can certainly afford a couple of bottles, right?   We got back to the hotel around 8:30 pm, with a start of 8:30 am.... so totally exhausted.  Today, e-mails, on-line grading, laundry, a VERY ambitious bus ride to the Ponte Vecchio for a nice mid-afternoon lunch, and then back for Happy Hour at 6:30 at the hotel.   They do it all out!    We sit outside, with candles all around and sip vino (rosso o bianco)... and eat lots of yummy Italian finger foods.   Then off to bed.
Tomorrow, Carol and I will take the double decker all day long... see all the more important sites and return to the ones we want to see more in-depth.  
On Thursday, I get ready to go back to Frascati/Rome. I want to be all settled in and learn about the train schedules, etcetcetc........ I am meeting my friend Paco in Rome on Saturday.
So much for now, I am reconstructing my first 12 days and hopefully can add some amazing pictures.
The Hotel David, where we are staying in Florece, is really lovely... run more like a bed and breakfast, and the breakfast is AMAZING!   Everything so fresh, so sweet, and the pastries.... OMG.   I keep saying to myself:  You deserve this!  
In any case, I'll be in touch... andiamo subito.

Sunday, October 27, 2013

Well, folks, it looks like I may be getting the hang of this now.  Let's try it and we'll see what happens.  I just finished the tour of Milan and the northern Italian masterpieces (and WOW were there plenty) and I paired up with a lady from Colorado and we came to Bologna two days ago (THE ABSOLUTELY MOST FABULOUS FOOD I HAVE EVER EATEN), and now we arrived in Florence for a week's stay (I actually only stay six days since I have to be back in Rome/Frascati) to meet my friend Rafael (Paco) who is arriving on Saturday for a month's stay.  I will reconstrusct my trip for you but I also want to learn how to include pictures.  I'm trying to put one here just to get used to it.  I have walked my #$%^& off and am glad because it's such a part of Italy and everybody does it!   Everything is going super/duper fine and the weather is lovely, cool, and drier here in Florence.   Carol and I are planning our next visits to San Gimigniano, Sienna, Chianti, and Reggiomano, something like that.  They are all quaint little towns around the area.  I have almost finalized renting an apartment in Sorrento, south of Rome, close to Naples because the winter will be mild and it will be close to the Amalfi coast and many other neat places.  The train rides are hard because I had to bring a heavy suitcase to last me almost six months and it's hard to get in and out of trains.  However, at many places, all you have to do is say "ayuddo me, per favore" and some gentleman is willing to get it down for you.
Please keep checking as I will be posting as frequently as I can.  This will be MY journal too... so I need to post the first 10 days.
Love you all, and keep logging in!
Cecilia  :)

Tuesday, October 15, 2013

Here's an airplane that is waiting for me!

Getting ready to go!

Hello, everybody...
Thursday morning is the "liftoff" at 5:00 am.   Ayayay, you should see the piles of clothing on the floor in my bedroom(s)....
Nervous and VERY excited for this aventura of mine.