Friday, November 22, 2013

Thursday, November 21, 2013
We went to Bologna to have that meal.   I swear, these places are destination places, culinary-wise.   And even though many Italians would dispute it, Bologna is the culinary capital of Italy.   Therefore, when in close proximity to Bologna, one must do what the Bolognese do:    EAT!   We got to the train station around 12:00 and walked (about 15 minutes) to the restaurant.  Paco says:   "I think it's closed", I almost had a "verklempt" moment, or a conuption, or a heart attack.... you choose.   Thankfully, it wasn't and we had a meal for the ages.   I ordered Paco the while truffle (tartufo bianco a la parmesan), and I had the veal with mushrooms and velvety mashed potatoes.   I thought my friend was going to start convulsing (or doing something that men do when they get very excited:  _______________
you can fill-in the blank).   I was moaning myself....   :)    Then, the dessert:   pannacota, which is the Italian-style flan, but totally white and absolutely delectable with fresh fruit and a fruity syrup.   The meal was super $$$, but the gustatory experience was worth every euro!  Of course, a couple of glasses of prosecco to salute the meal.    Paco bought a beautiful set of suitcases and we rode back.   I went to get a manicure and he headed back to the hotel to repack his belongings.   It was raining so hard and the wind was so cold, we decided to skip dinner and stay at the hotel and drink wine for happy hour and eat finger foods, instead.   Listen to this:   we were going to have the Tuscan steak for dinner.   It's a 48 ounce piece of porterhouse or t-bone cooked to perfection and it's the specialty of Florence, except for the wild boar and truffles when in season (which is now).  I didn't want him to leave Florence without tasting it, but it will have to wait until the next time.   Today, for our last lunch here, we're going to a little restaurant, 10 tables, only opens for 2 hours at noon, and 3 hours at dinner.    I ate the BEST osso bucco there, big old veal bone and a sauce that almost made me lick the plate.  The pannacota there was one of the best I have ever had!   Then, after I pay my bill here, we will head to the train station to catch a train to Naples/Sorrento/Salerno/Amalfi Coast/Pompeii, etc.etc.etc.....  somebody has to do it, guys!  NOBODY disputes it's the best pizza in Italy and since today is my birthday, that's what I want to have for dinner tonight.   We leave around 4:00 and get there at 7:00.   Just in case, we made ourselves little "samiches" with the cold cuts from breakfast in case I have to wait for the pizza until tomorrow.    It will still be my birthday in the States since we're 9 hours later than you.
So, for now, arrivederci, and I will report from the south!


  1. Tia!- I never realized you and Ian share a birthday...crazy! He is 14!! oye!
    Sounds like you are having FABULOUS meals...makes me hungry.
    Take care.
    Love you.

  2. Ciao Bella, Wish I could visit you! I'm sure I would eat my way around Italy just like you. Try some roulade. It's good! My family is from Torino.
    It's raining in the Old Pueblo!
